Tuesday, January 20, 2009


What a day. I slept in till like one o'clock, and then I watched parts of the inauguration, I went to a basketball practice, watched more on the inauguration, and now I'm getting ready to be launched back into society tomorrow. I've never really noticed how much time I've wasted of my life.
I've wasted days playing video games, sleeping in, reading books. But, it's not like I regret wasting those moments. There's nothing like getting mad at a video game because is did the wrong this and you freak out saying " I told you to JUMP! Not Duck! ARGH!" however I find it very amusing to watch some of my friends play video games.
When ever my friend harry ( bless her heart.) plays Mario Kart with me and we go on the Wi-Fi thing and race other people, she'll pick out people that she hates, even though she's never met these people prior to the race, its funny. ( " oh, did you see that!? he just threw a banana at me, I hate you Beau!" yeah, that was the last enemy she made.) I also have another friend that I love playing video games in front of. I'll be walking through a temple and all of a sudden a monster will pop out, and she'll gasp, she gets so into it even though its not her playing.
I had to write so many papers on the election in November and then I had to write one more little essay after the election of what kind of dog Obama should get for his daughters. Of course I said a dog that won't shed everywhere and is good with kids. ( Maybe a German Shepard?) But when I heard at what my class had wrote, I was horrified at what a person can wish onto anther person. Some of them said a dog that would ' hurt' or most said 'kill' Obama. I was shocked at these people! Are they racist? Is that why they don't want him? Do they not like his ideals? It's the people out there that can wish for something horrible on someone that is trying to do something to help another that I dislike most. Sure, McCain would have been a decent President, just like Obama will hopefully be, but you can't change the results of the elections.
So, to Barack Obama, I hope that you can make my class mates feel ashamed for wishing that on you, good luck, and do your best. For now your our only hope.

" May your Bacon burn." - Calcifer ( Howls Moving Caslte)

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