Monday, January 19, 2009

It's a New Day

You know, there's nothing better in life then another chance at something. We all screw up somewhere and some of us screw up more then others, but thankfully god gave us the best thing since top ramen, second chances. ( Thank Goodness For Ramen!)
I know in my many years as a some-what-normal human that I've made my mistakes. I've swore at that brother, I've talked behind that persons back, and of course I've cheated on that test. However, I hope that this will be the year that will change all of the that. So much change is going to happen this year; a new president, new classes, new friends, new flavors of Cheese! New New New! So I have taken into thought that maybe this year should be not only a year of change for just the country, but for me especially.
I hope that as I go through this blog I can maybe find more out about myself, at least I hope so...( From what I've discovered about myself already makes me nervous about the future, who is going to want a loud-mouthed, bratty, self-centered, worry-wart, anime-otaku as a friend?! NO ONE!) And I hope that it will provide you with entertainment while you wait for your frozen burritos to cook, ( Listen to the Instructions on the back, they'll tell you the perfect amount of time to cook those burritos!)

Remember, Bad Times are just times that are bad. - Katrina ( Animal Crossing: City Folk)

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