Friday, July 3, 2009

Koibana! Koiseyo Hanabi

Hello my dear friends, have you already looked at the other manga's I've suggested? Good work. So this next manga I'm about to present I love, even after like, lets see....since last February I've been able to remember this manga and the people and the plot line, it's that good.
Koibana! Koiseyo Hanabi is a manga about a girl named Hanabi. Hanabi is a normal girl that likes normal girl things, except boys. No! no, this is not a Shojo Ai or a Yuri, she's just had a past that makes her afraid+uncomphertable around boys. In the begginning we see Hanabi heading to her new school, which is almost 90% guys, which does not make her happy. But the reason she choose this school was because they have a class just for girls, that's the only reason she's there. As she makes her journey to the class room hanging her head down and avoiding the boys, she walks by one that dosen't repluse her, this is where we first meet Chikai. ( He's a hottie, FYI)
I love this series, as you may know, but the unfortunate thing is, there are only 8 chapters online so far. So if you like this series or others you should ask the scanlator groups nicely, (NICELY!) if they'd keep working on it. Because to my knowledge, there's at least 40 chapters out in book form in japan.
But that's the series for today, go check it out if you like. I'm sorry if this summary of the first chapter doesn't do it for you, but you should still go check it out even though I suck at these summaries. Oh, I'd love if whoever reads this, ( Bless you heart if you do!), if you would suggest manga's to me!! I've read my good share, but there's always a new manga to read! Well, thanks for reading again, the link below is to the first chapter of Koibana! Koiseyo Hanabi.

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