Friday, July 3, 2009

Koibana! Koiseyo Hanabi

Hello my dear friends, have you already looked at the other manga's I've suggested? Good work. So this next manga I'm about to present I love, even after like, lets see....since last February I've been able to remember this manga and the people and the plot line, it's that good.
Koibana! Koiseyo Hanabi is a manga about a girl named Hanabi. Hanabi is a normal girl that likes normal girl things, except boys. No! no, this is not a Shojo Ai or a Yuri, she's just had a past that makes her afraid+uncomphertable around boys. In the begginning we see Hanabi heading to her new school, which is almost 90% guys, which does not make her happy. But the reason she choose this school was because they have a class just for girls, that's the only reason she's there. As she makes her journey to the class room hanging her head down and avoiding the boys, she walks by one that dosen't repluse her, this is where we first meet Chikai. ( He's a hottie, FYI)
I love this series, as you may know, but the unfortunate thing is, there are only 8 chapters online so far. So if you like this series or others you should ask the scanlator groups nicely, (NICELY!) if they'd keep working on it. Because to my knowledge, there's at least 40 chapters out in book form in japan.
But that's the series for today, go check it out if you like. I'm sorry if this summary of the first chapter doesn't do it for you, but you should still go check it out even though I suck at these summaries. Oh, I'd love if whoever reads this, ( Bless you heart if you do!), if you would suggest manga's to me!! I've read my good share, but there's always a new manga to read! Well, thanks for reading again, the link below is to the first chapter of Koibana! Koiseyo Hanabi.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dengeki Daisy

So today's manga is Dengeki Daisy. I love this series, even though there are only 9 chapters so far, its still worth the read, and the wait for the other chapters. So the mangaka for this series has done one other series that I read first, and it was Beast Master. I just love Motomi's art, the guys look great, and he makes really intense plot lines that keep you thinking. Pretty good for a shojo, right?
Anyways's this series is about a girl named Teru, so up untill now she always had her older brother, but he recently died and left her a cell phone with the contact 'daisy'. He told her to text daisy if she ever needed anything like help, or just someone to talk too. Of course the student counsel is evil, so we first see teru soaked in water because she was protecting her friend from the counsel, and as she's fighting them some balls come flying out of know where and hit the counsel members, and as teru throws the balls back she breaks a window. That's where you meet Kurosaki, the janitor of the school. He makes teru to his job to pay back for the window, and while she works for him, weird things start happening like people hacking the school and stuff like that.
I love this series for many reasons, one, for it only having 9 chapters out so far, its really grabbed my attention. I keep checking to see if they've updated it almost everyother day. I love the plot line, there's nothing better then a romance surrounded in mystery! Three, I love the characters. Kurosaki is hott, Teru is actually a heroin instead of the weak confused protagonists shojo's normally have.
So that's all I've got for today, tune in again for another great manga! Below is the link for it if you would like to read it!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Manga Update

I've decided to tell all of you people what mangas to read if you ever need a good shojo manga to sit down with and just let go. So this week's manga is Nana.
If you've ever read shojo beat from the begginning you might've come across this manga. I find this manga amazing for it's intense plot line and just how well made the charecters really are. It's a long series, especially for a shojo, but it's well worth the time you'll put into it.
So basically Nana is about these two girls that are both named Nana, surprising right? So they meet up on this train to tokyo one night, and it happens to be snowing so they get to know eachother, and so after they leave the train and head out into their new lives in tokyo, they run into eachother again when they both want the same apartment, so they end up living next in the same place as each other.
I'd recommened this manga to anyone who dosen't get depressed easily, because no matter what, this series has some serious down points where I just feel for Hachi, (the ditsy nana). This is a mature series though, so if you have problems with drug references or nakedness, or even smoking, this might not be your series. But that's all for now, stay tuned for my next shojo manga choice!
Here's a link to go read it online,